(And GCAdapterDriver actually technically has the entitlement to allow embedding in other applications - I did a POC with Dolphin some years ago but never went further with it) on LibusbDevice: Don't detach kernel drivers on macOS6 days ago
I wonder if we should create our own GCAdapterDriver equivalent so that we don't pollute that codebase with not-GC adapter IDs. Anyway, that's a discussion for later.
Musk is promoting a digitally altered video of Ilhan Omar, which makes it seem like she appeared at an event that she did not attend.
Also, it is not "literally" or figuratively "breaking the law" to advise someone of their legal rights, which is all Omar is doing in the video.
a week ago
A small life goal finally achieved: I'll be competing in a national level race in the American Rally championship. Racing in the 100 Acre Wood rally in March, driving with the River City Rally team.
Should also be doing at least one additional race this year... maybe more if schedule/etc permits.
a week ago