Hi! I'm Ryan, and I build products with a focus on privacy and ethical design.
The Corgi is my
rubber duck debugger.
UUIDv7 TypeIDs in Diesel
Integrating UUIDv7-based TypeIDs as a custom Diesel type.
ORM-ish Diesel Helpers
Diesel isn't exactly an ORM, but a few helpers get us kind of there. Ish.
Pagination in Async Diesel
A short-ish snippet that might help you avoid a headache.
Plant-Based Berlin Recommendations
A small guide to plant-based eating in Berlin.
DriverKit, /Applications, and Quarantine
Your app is in /Applications, but DriverKit says it's not? It might be quarantined.
Debugging Broken Signed/Notarized Apps on macOS
Sealed resource is missing or broken? Find out why.
Cacao: Building macOS (and iOS) Apps in Rust
You can pry Objective-C out of my cold, dead hands.
What Melee Gave Me
A game that means more to me than I could possibly convey.
Looking for Older Pieces?
I've been writing (professional and... not so much) since about 2005. Check out the Archives for a full list of pieces.